Intellectual direction +7242 26-27-14, Қабылдау комиссиясы +7242 23-53-92

Intellectual direction

Intellectual organization «Ziyater Qorqyt»    
Development of the intellectual potential of students by involving them in the movement of intellectual games. Formation of students ' desire to effectively spend their free time, self-improvement, as well as the development of their intelligence. Teach to systematize and expand knowledge in various fields of science, technology, art, improve the skills and abilities of working with electronic information and take the right steps.
Readers organization «Talklike»
Creating a high-quality environment among young students in search of knowledge, opening up young students to read books, making time more efficient and useful. As well as increasing the motivation of young people to read books, the formation of a reading culture. Increase the ability to think critically.
Organization «ENACTUS»
Introducing students to entrepreneurship, teaching them to develop business projects to achieve the goals of entrepreneurship and sustainable development. Develop their leadership qualities and teach them to work in a team. Inspire students to apply their knowledge and skills to ensure the quality of life and create projects and initiatives that promote development in their communities.
Discussion organization «Akikat»
Development of students ' oratory skills, increasing their intellectual level. It promotes the preservation of speech, speech structure, teaches eloquence, as well as helps to develop a personality, educate young people who can express themselves in any environment. Be able to reflect on various topics and give recommendations for solving current problems in society. Teaching students to fight against negative actions by maintaining the state language, adhering to educational values, and strengthening relationships between students.    
IT Organization «InfoGo»
Increase the knowledge of students interested in IT and raise projects that are beneficial to society to the heights. Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of digital economy based on interdisciplinary technologies, ensuring digital transformation through research and successful innovation. Modernization and promotion of the IT industry in Kazakhstan.
Organization «KORKYT invites»
Conducting career guidance work for schoolchildren through university activists. Creating an opportunity for active students to show their graduates the secrets of the University and demonstrate the advantages of other universities. Dissemination of the most accurate and accurate information about Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.

Services available



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МООK (Massive Open Online Lesson)

Megaproject Electronic Library



Science Library
